An information and consumer technology corporation wanted to expand its presence in the consumer market and increase its overall brand awareness in the category.
Attract new buyers who were not currently being reached through the client’s traditional promotional methods. Increase the overall awareness of the brand in the consumer market.
Conducted market research. Determined strong client presence in technology and general interest publications. Determined TV advertising was best method to expand overall awareness and reach untouched audience. Developed a four-ad strategy incorporating client personality and value proposition. Developed three-month spot and block media campaign targeting programs with high demographic match. Retained call center for call disposition and fulfillment kit distribution.
More than 500,000 calls were received over a five-month period to advertising specific toll-free numbers. The call activity lifespan was nearly twice the length of the time ads were run. Client realized a 4x increase in aided awareness among target audience and a 2x increase in unaided awareness.